Family Law Attorneys Near Woodhaven, MI

Protect what matters most to you.

The law office of Mellin Robinson, P.C., in Troy handles exclusively divorce and family law matters. Our attorneys work closely with you to develop legal strategies that are tailored to your family and individual needs. Founding attorneys, Irika N. Mellin and Kristen L. Robinson, have spent their entire legal careers — more than 40 years cumulatively — practicing family law.

Family Law Attorneys Near Woodhaven, MI

The best family law attorney creates constructive communication lines when communication is most critical: When a divorce redefines the family unit. A family law attorney must know how to represent you, and your children in terms of:

  • Child custody
  • Division of property
  • Child support
  • Parenting time
  • Paternity issues
  • Grandparent and extended family rights

The family law attorney firm of Mellin Robinson is a family law attorney firm near Woodhaven, Michigan that knows how important these issues are to you and your children’s future. When you need a family law attorney Near Woodhaven, Michigan that understands the nuances of navigating Michigan family law, the divorce attorney you want is from Mellin Robinson.

A Family Law Divorce Attorney near Woodhaven, MI

A divorce attorney working family law in Michigan understands child custody issues are most sensitive when building a new family unit. Children are too often weaponized victims of divorce and put in the middle of an already traumatic situation.

A family law divorce attorney recognizes divorce does not mean divorcing the parent child relationship nor does it mean divorcing any parent from financial responsibility. The Mellin Robinson family law attorney firm sees child custody and child support as cornerstone to healthy, happy child development in the new family unit definition.

Working with a divorce attorney form Mellin Robinson you will be assured the best possible outcome for child custody, child support and parenting time.

Division of Property After Divorce Family Law Woodhaven, Michigan

The best divorce attorney knows that your property is the future of your financial security. The equitable distribution of acquired wealth and the protection of assets are key considerations for many divorcing professionals. The assets you need to protect for yourself and your children in divorce include:

  • Financial investments
  • Property ownership
  • Business units
  • Parenting time
  • Cash accounts

Claims to financial investments, property ownership, business units, and cash accounts represent some of the most intense personal and family emotions in divorce. Rightfully so. Your need to protect and provide your children’s financial future doesn’t change because you are getting divorced.

How you have worked to acquire wealth and standing in the community has been a large part of your life. Now, that you are being asked to separate all, or part of your wealth is a sensitive issue. It taps directly the nerve center of your separation. A Mellin Robinson divorce attorney puts protecting your assets and future financial security as top priority in Michigan family law practice.

Grandparent Rights and Extended Family Near Woodhaven, Michigan

The relationship your children develop with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins is cultivated over time, and as extended family, your children have the right to ongoing time to continue building on these relationships.

A divorce attorney practicing family law in Michigan understands the importance of children visiting grandma’s house on the holiday or being there when a cousin realizes a goal or dream. A Mellin Robinson divorce attorney will work to keep these relationships in your children’s lives.

Divorce and Family Law Divorce and Family Law Near Woodhaven, MI

Divorce is not an end; it is the beginning and a new definition of family. Working with a divorce attorney from Mellin Robinson near Woodhaven, MI will assure you the best representation in Michigan Family Law. While the waters may be troubled now, we can help calm the storm today and in the future.

We Are Committed To Providing Quality Support To Our Clients

Schedule A Meeting With Mellin Robinson, P.C.

We can review the facts of your case and answer your questions during a complimentary consultation. Contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced Oakland County family law attorneys.

We Are Committed To Providing Quality Support To Our Clients

Schedule A Meeting With Mellin Robinson, P.C.

We can review the facts of your case and answer your questions during a complimentary consultation. Contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced Oakland County family law attorneys.